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Open Data Day 2019 – a New Zealand-wide event

This year, groups from around the country took part in International Open Data Day, working on everything from writing tutorials and feedback, to building front ends, to sharing knowledge and discussing books.

By aimee whitcroft,
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Whiteboard and Datopolis game players - open data Wellington meetup, Feb 2019.

Wellington’s first open data meetup of the year: validating, creating, and playing

Last night we held the first open data meetup of the year in Wellington - here's what happened.

By aimee whitcroft,
Open Data Day website background

International Open Data Day – Saturday, 2 March 2019

Data. govt. nz are proud to be a part of this year’s Open Data Day. We’ll be holding a ‘mini-hackathon’ at the National Library of New Zealand's net.
By aimee whitcroft,
People bumping fists around a table in support / congratulations.

Our plans for Wellington open data meetups this year

The Wellington open data meetup organisers been thinking and hearing lots about what the meetup series could look like / aim to achieve this year.

Here are our thoughts.

By aimee whitcroft,
Data Summit banner showing tagline and date / location details.

Data Summit'18 - secure your ticket!

For the first time, Stats NZ will host a 2-day summit on informed decision-making through the ethical use of data.

Image of the attendees of the workshop

Data visualisation workshop success!

Stats NZ hosted a series of 2-day Data Visualization workshops – in conjunction with the recent Open Data Meetups – in Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington and Dunedin.

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Come along to the Open Data Meetups – Wellington and Dunedin

Open Data Meetups in NZ are for sharing the passion and success around the release of open data with like-minded people.

data govt nz blog

Open Data, Open Potential

Stats NZ and members of the open data community celebrated open data day by witnessing the Minister of Statistics and Government Chief Data Steward co-sign New Zealand’s Open Data Charter letter.

CCANZ logo

Creative Commons and NZGOAL: two of the essential ingredients of open data

Find out the role copyright plays in open data, and where training is available to learn how to apply open licensing in your work.

By Elizabeth Heritage,
co design data

Collaborating to make data easier to discover and use

The, Open Data Programme and Stats NZ teams got together at the Service Innovation Lab last week to share experiences, compare notes and ideate around models that could serve users better in data discovery and use.

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Open data is coming of age

The sharing of open data stories raises awareness about open data and encourages new release and use. Recently Stats NZ commissioned engage2 to gather stories from current and potential users of open data.

By Amelia Loye, Dan Randow,