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A Framework and process for opening data, part 2

Following on from its first blog post, NZTA is now releasing in full its open data framework, toolkit and process overview.

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Charter helps to increase government algorithm transparency

Minister for Statistics James Shaw has announced a public consultation on a proposed algorithm charter for government agencies.

By Jocelyn Morrison
Data gold image

Stats NZ convenes Data Ethics Advisory Group

A Data Ethics Advisory Group has been convened to provide advice on data use to the Government Chief Data Steward and government agencies.

By Jocelyn Morrison
data govt nz blog

A framework and processes for opening data

NZTA has been developing a simple open data framework and processes to help them release open data, and would love your feedback.

By aimee whitcroft
Digital Nation Plan

Measuring NZ’s digital transformation

A new Plan shows us what, when and how to measure digital development.

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Latest quarterly dashboard for leading NZ's data - now available

The latest quarterly data dashboard from Stats NZ (January to March 2019), highlighting key deliverables for their data leadership role, is now available.

Video collage

Videos help de-mystify the role of stewarding data

Stats NZ has produced a series of short videos to help de-mystify their role of stewarding data and raise awareness of how they're supporting agencies to use data more effectively.

Data gold image

Update: Advisory Group on Trusted Data Use - EOI extended to 7 June

The expression of interest process for the Advisory Group on Trusted Data Use has been extended until 7 June.

Open Data Day Wellington 2019 attendees. Credit aimee whitcroft.

Open Data Day 2019 – a New Zealand-wide event

This year, groups from around the country took part in International Open Data Day, working on everything from writing tutorials and feedback, to building front ends, to sharing knowledge and discussing books.

By aimee whitcroft
flooding DSC 5504 credit dave allen NIWA.jpg

Help improve NZ’s 12 key datasets for resilience and climate change

As emergency response agencies sift through the embers of the recent Pigeon Valley Fire, the lessons are again clear: reliable information, consistent communication and open data are critical.
By aimee whitcroft
Photograph of a building under construction.

Our content strategy – why we’re here, and what we want to do

In January 2019, we published the content strategy and style guide for We'd love to get your feedback.

By aimee whitcroft
Dashboard Q2

Latest quarterly data dashboard available

The latest quarterly data dashboard from Stats NZ is now available.

Whiteboard and Datopolis game players - open data Wellington meetup, Feb 2019.

Wellington’s first open data meetup of the year: validating, creating, and playing

Last night we held the first open data meetup of the year in Wellington - here's what happened.

By aimee whitcroft
Open Data Day website background

International Open Data Day – Saturday, 2 March 2019

Data. govt. nz are proud to be a part of this year’s Open Data Day. We’ll be holding a ‘mini-hackathon’ at the National Library of New Zealand's net.
By aimee whitcroft
People bumping fists around a table in support / congratulations.

Our plans for Wellington open data meetups this year

The Wellington open data meetup organisers been thinking and hearing lots about what the meetup series could look like / aim to achieve this year.

Here are our thoughts.

By aimee whitcroft
Photo of a brown vintage suitcase.

How are people using open data?

Inspire. Guide. Illuminate. Share. And get some credit for what you know.

By aimee whitcroft
Screenshot showing new header in refresh

Coming soon: the makeover reveal for

We’re excited to announce that the makeover is very nearly finished – from early 2019, the site will look quite different, and have some more exciting (we think) changes under the hood.

By aimee whitcroft