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Algorithm Charter CoP: the rubber hits the road

At the fifth community of practice wānanga we reminded ourselves of the Charter Maturity Model and discussed our agencies’ maturity assessments, we learnt about one agency’s experience of the implications of vendors’ using AI, and reported on our progress and how we can support one another.

By Algorithm Charter Committee - Stats NZ,
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from outer space

Fairness as the big opportunity for Aotearoa in AI

Aotearoa needs a powerful response to the rapid pace of change in artificial intelligence (AI). Read more from Nick Agar and Albert Bifet to see what they have to say about AI in Aotearoa.

By Nick Agar and Albert Bifet,
measuring tape

Algorithm Charter CoP: how mature are we?

At the fourth community of practice we were introduced to a maturity model we can apply to our mahi, challenged by a presentation on AI and prompted to review/use the recently-developed algorithm assessment tools in time for our next hui in June. 

By A Community of Practice member from New Zealand Police,