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Total number of Diagnostic Imaging ACC Claims by modality

I am looking for time-series data that shows the number of diagnostic imaging services that ACC funds each year, broken down by the different modalities. The modalities of interest are: - Ultrasound - Diagnostic imaging - Computer Tomography - MRI - Nuclear Medicine - Mamogram - Positron Emission Tomography Scan - Angiography - Fluoroscopy

I am interested to see which modalities of diagnostic imaging are most frequently funded under ACC, and how this has changed over time.

This would provide much-needed insight into where ACC funding is being attributed within diagnostic imaging

I am interested to see which modalities of diagnostic imaging are most frequently funded under ACC, and how this has changed over time.

This would provide much-needed insight into where ACC funding is being attributed within diagnostic imaging

Response from
Accident Compensation Corporation

Dataset submitted

Thank you for your request, we have now uploaded the dataset and our accompanying response letter to the URL below:

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