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Ecological Districts Spatial data

I am having trouble finding the spatial data for ecological districts and ecological regions in NZ in a workable format.

This data will assist in describing ecological conditions and assist in assessing the potential effects/ecological risks associated with development proposals.

Interacting and overlying this spatial data with other relevant spatial data, such as river lines, key biodiversity areas etc.


  • Johnathon Ridden

    What about the Ecological Regions shp? It is a layer on the DOC Maps site Is this stored somewhere similar?

  • David Burlace (Department of Conservation)

    Hi Christy

    I’ve looked into this and it turns out DOC has a little known about public FTP server that’s linked on this page of the DOC website:

    From it you should be able to access the Ecological districts as a zipped shapefile from this folder:
    It’s called:

    or as a zipped esri geodatabase from this link:
    It’s called:

    Note: that all of the files on this servers are updated weekly so these filenames will also change weekly, although I don’t think the Ecological districts dataset has been modified since it was created.

    The ecological district feature class also contain the ecological regions as an attribute so hopefully this fits your needs. Let me know if you have trouble accessing the ftp server.

    Kind regards,
    David Burlace

  • Christy Reynolds

    Can you please provide this dataset as this would assist in restoration planning, reporting and guide in eco sourcing for native plant species.
