Tide Stations

This index enables you to identify the locations of current and historic sea level stations around New Zealand, on offshore islands (including Raoul Island, Chatham Islands and the sub-Antarctic islands), several South West Pacific islands and the Ross Dependency (Antarctica).

The attributes attached to each location will enable you to look up tidal levels, obtain relationships between tidal and land-based height datums, access tide predictions on LINZ’s website and find out how much sea level data LINZ has in its archive. See the LINZ website for official tide predictions.

View the attached data dictionary for detailed information about the attributes of this dataset.

Accessing sea level data The data that is used to calculate tide predictions is also available. You can access publically available sea level data where a URL is provided in the data_link column.

For other locations, requests for sea level data should be sent to customersupport@linz.govt.nz with “Sea Level Data” in the subject line. Requests must, as a minimum, specify the location and time period that the data is required for.

Publically funded data can be released to the public under a Creative Commons licence for reuse. The provision of sea level data funded by third parties may be subject to some delay, as LINZ must obtain permission from the data owner. The owner may also attach conditions to the release of their data.

Data and Resources

This dataset has no data

Additional Info

Field Value
Author Land Information New Zealand
Maintainer Land Information New Zealand
Maintainer Email Land Information New Zealand
Source https://data.linz.govt.nz/layer/52101-tide-stations/
Source Created 2014-10-27T23:02:23.628471Z
Source Modified 2019-12-15T20:35:54.474290Z
Language English
Spatial {"type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [[[[162.49492229444442, -77.8501], [162.49492229444442, 1.8721], [180.0, 1.8721], [180.0, -77.8501], [162.49492229444442, -77.8501]]], [[[-180.0, 1.8721], [-150.11624195555555, 1.8721], [-150.11624195555555, -77.8501], [-180.0, -77.8501], [-180.0, 1.8721]]]]}
Source Identifier https://data.linz.govt.nz/layer/52101-tide-stations/
Dataset metadata created 2 February 2020, last updated 2 September 2020